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Six Month Hydrocephalus Update

Today marks 6 months with baby G. Some days it feels like it was just yesterday I had my early morning scheduled C-section and other days, it’s like we’ve had her as long as Sophie. 

Last week we had Grace’s follow-up appointment with her neurosurgeon. We had our first appointment with her neurosurgeon the day after her MRI to discuss what/if her treatment options would be based on the results of her scan (back in late February). During that long, stressful appointment, the line that resonated with me was, “I treat the patient, not the scan.” The doctor told us how great G looked, that her fontanelle wasn’t bulging, how her slight motor delay wasn’t a big deal, and how she did not recommend surgery.

This time around, because of COVID-19, we had our appointment online. Although the doctor wasn’t able to measure G’s head, with some instruction she helped us. Overall, the doctor was happy Grace’s head circumference did not jump percentile lines, she hasn’t been vomiting or been sick, a

nd she is showing growth in her gross motor skills. Hopefully when things go back to normal and the spread of COVID slows down, we will have a rapid MRI and neurosurgeon appointment in July. Until then, we have to remain on the lookout for signs of any change in behavior.

We’ve also continued G’s weekly OT appointments online because of Coronavirus. I LOVE these sessions so much. Every week we’ve gotten the best advice, answers to our questions, and learned so many exercises to help with flexibility, neck, and core strength. We have established a nice exercise routine incorporating all of G’s exercises without fatiguing her too much-and still allowing us to play! have never been more grateful for technology and these professionals seamlessly transitioning to online care.

While we’re certainly not out of the woods yet, Grace is showing signs of improvement and we couldn’t be happier! Next week we have her six-month well visit with her pediatrician—thankfully someone who can give us an accurate head measurement!


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